Monday 22 December 2014


Care of Dandruff
A lot of advertisements are seen to dramatize the repulsive appearance of small white flakes on dark hair and dark shirts. These white flakes are commonly known as dandruff (Seborrhea). The word dandruff is a combination of two words i.e., “DANDER” meaning scales and “HURF” meaning crust. It appears on body parts with skin having more oil producing glands like scalp, ear, face, chest and skin folds. Dandruff is neither contagious nor harmful and do not cause permanent hair loss. Cold, dry, winters usually trigger or worsen the dandruff. Itching may be due to accumulation of dandruff, extremely dry scalp or associated lice-infestation. The following simple measures help to better prevent the dandruff problem.

Monday 1 December 2014

The Best Way to remove Upper-Lip Hair

Best Way to remove upper Lips Hair
Women are much conscious about the beauty; there are so many things which will count while judging the beauty of the women. Like height, weight, figures and most important is the beauty and particularly the face and hand (parts which are visible).

 But so many women remain in trouble due to the hair which grows on the face particularly on upper lips; they try different methods to remove but the problem still remains as they grow again and again. The methods available in the market are bleaching, waxing and threading. Now how to select which method is good for which one.  

This is fact that every woman's hair grows in at a different rate—typically between two and six weeks, a time frame predetermined by genetics and hormones. So it's better to select an option based on your skin type/tone and hair texture, says well known a dermatologist.

Sunday 30 November 2014

2014 winter dresses collection for girls

winter dresses
Winter dresses
As winter came it change the dressing style, people go to market to buy new clothes. But there is a big problem for everyone “Selection”. It is not easy to shop the clothes according to the wish. Especially the girls are more conscious about the dress design, style and colors.

So today we are going to share latest and trendy Winter Dresses
2014 for girls. Now a day the trend of wearing stylish winter wears is increasing every day among fashionable women. In this article we will show you a huge variety of stylish and unique ladies clothes. All the designs are new, unique and beautiful so that every girl may enjoy something different and feel pleaser to wear these. All the top fashion brands of Pakistan are presenting their latest winter dresses 2014 for women.

Saturday 29 November 2014

Natural way to Get Slim

Natural way to get slim  
Natural give us so many easy in the world but we create problems for our self which made our life so troubled .To become slim naturally is very doable. Follow the practical tips and suggestions below in order to get the best results without any medications or treatments. If you want to reduce fats and regain your young-looking vigor, then you may need to make changes in the life.

These changes are actually very easy. However, following them loyally requires determination, and commitment. Losing weight should be a fun and pleasant activity. You are doing something positive in your life and thrilling things are bound to happen if you are strong-minded enough. First of all, you must dedicate yourself to self-improvement. Natural methods do not need equipment or huge sums of money. All you need to do is push yourself and never move away, and you will surely see results sooner or later.

No. 1 Do not eat in front of the television. 


Prevention of ebola virus
“Ebola” means black, named after a river where Ebola Virus Disease was first reported in 1976.It has been declared as Public Health Emergency of International concern by World Health Organization this year. This year world’s worst outbreak of Ebola Virus has been reported affecting 10,000 new cases per week till December. WHO also warned Asian countries as High Risk, and awareness is the only recommended effective tool. It is a disease of human and other primates caused by Ebola virus.

Friday 28 November 2014

Skin care in winter season

Winter skin care
In winter you need extra care of your skin, in study it is shown that the skin diseases in the winter is too much as compared to the other seasons. If we want to safe our skin we need some extra measures for it.

Preparation of  winter

As the winter season came, heaters clank on, and the wind whips up, the battle for healthy skin begins. Winter dry air takes away the thin layer of oil that traps moisture in the skin, flaring itchy and painful conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and ruthless dry skin.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Easy and Natural Ways to Remove Unwanted Hairs

Easy and natural way to Remove unwanted hair
Everyone wants to looks good; no matter you are a men or women, boys or girls. But this sense is much higher in the girls. Girls are much conscious about the beauty. They use different methods to keep her attractive. Particularly the girls are much conscious about face. Boys can remove their face hair through shave but girls can’t do this as this method makes the skin harder and also grow the hair strong. So she use bleach wax and thread.

But the bleaching cannot remove the hair, it just change the color of the hair which matches with the skin. Waxing is a very painful method as well threading. Waxing and threading is not too much easy and not a natural way to remove the unwanted hair. Though through this method your skin looks clean but it will dangerous and red spots could appear which will looks bad.

Winter and our skin

Winter and our skin
Our skin needs extra care in winter. As the winter season is known as dry season, skin of the face, hand and feet need extra care particularly.

The cold clear days of winter season bring more than just a rosy glow to the cheeks for so many people. They also bring rough dryness to the skin of the face, hands, and feet. This problem is worse for some people than just a general tight, dry feeling: The skin those people become so dry it results in flaking, cracking, even eczema.

"As the coldness of the winter increase we need heat to worm ourselves and that heat dries our skin. An expert says that it doesn't matter if you heat your home using oil, wood, or electricity the effect is same dry the skin.

Here we mention some tips which helps you to keep your skin healthy and good looking in the winter also.

Sunday 26 October 2014

How to get long hair ASAP

Natural way to get long hair
Every women like beautiful hair style. Difference style soot to different women according to their body. Hair style like Pixie cuts, bobs and shoulder length hair can absolutely frame a face, but when it comes time to raise out strands for a new style, the wait can be a long one. Overlook marking days off the calendar for the long hair-we’ve got so many ways how to get long hair.

No.1 Adjust Your Diet

“A good healthy diet that incorporates a mix of protein and nutrients can improve the condition of your hair. A well balanced eating keeps follicles strong and hair from breaking simply. It is advises to incorporate omega-3 oils. “It is recommended salmon or supplements. Nuts are a good source, too, particularly almonds.”
It’s also very important to keep weight stable and not yo-yo diet, as hair can be affected by extreme regimen changes, in addition to anxiety and hormone levels.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Face care tips for winter season

Winter skin care tips
Winter is called a dry weather, the skin need more attention in this season. Winter is a whole lot of fun due to pleasant weather but when it comes to skin care, it is in fact a dry season because our face tends to get dried up and lips get all chaps. This is why you require following winter face care tips. And to help you out, here are a few simple winter face tips that you can follow to stay away from excessive dryness and dead looking skin of your face.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Homemade beauty tips for young girls

No matter you are a male or a female and reading Homemade Beauty Tips, Tricks and Secrets; it is for a reason. Every young girl and every woman is beauty alert no matter which age group she belongs to. They just want to look the most beautiful girl of the world and the most ideal in the world. For this reason they attempt every kind of beauty tips and tricks which any one tells them. Out of all some might suit them and some might not or even some tips become very damaging for their skin and they end up spending so much cash just to try out ideas to attain the desired looks.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Some Herbal Remedies for Glowing Skin

Herbal Remedies for Glowing skin
Glowing skin is not forever about using themuch expensive creams and lotions. Your own home made few remedies that can naturally bring back the glow to your skin. For generations, our relatives have used herbal homemade remedies to heal and beautify themselves. These remedies are some of the most effective and natural ways to attain glowing skin. Here are a only some of the herbal remedies you must use.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Few tips for healthy skin

A good skin care as well as sun protection and gentle cleansing can keep your skin healthy and glowing for years to come.

Do not have time for intensive skin care? Pamper your skin with the basics. Good skin care and healthy way of life choices can help delay the natural aging process and prevent various from skin problems.

No1. Protect your skin from the sun

Saturday 20 September 2014

Three evening habits for weight loss

Try to add these habits in your evening list.

When think about lose weight, it can look like there's a never-ending barrage of temptation as you go about your whole day. And it doesn't stop when you get house—evenings on the couch can destroy a day full of healthy choices if you're employing bad practice. So when it comes to staying on ways in the evening, make clear in you’re mind you pay attention to these rules.

Friday 19 September 2014

5 Strange but True Weight Loss Tips

It looks that there's a new crazy diet introduced on daily basis. Most of them don't work, but these strange (but true) weight loss tips just might help you lose those last few pounds.

No.1 Drink Warm Water daily

Nearly every one of us prefers drinking cold water over the warm varietal, but if you're thinking to lose weight, you might want to change your beverage temperature.

Warm water has been made known to make you feel fuller faster so that you in turn, don't eat as much.

If you cannot fathom warm water, then you can add an herbal tea bag to give it a little flavor.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Women Wear on Dates which men like

Men might not all the time notice your haircut but there are a few fashion items that attract their interest.

The other day one of my friend remarked that she would remember 2014 as the year when she started regularly wearing jeans in its place of dresses. I was in fact somewhat surprised I didn't notice since I'd like to think myself a relatively observant guy. But when I got to asking my male friends about what they like to see women wear, I found I wasn't only. "Clothes?" one of my friend offered, somewhat unhelpfully, and then, "But occasionally no clothes?"

The bottom line is that there is no exact item men want to see a woman wear…on dates or otherwise. One of my friend mentioned that a girl's style should just be

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Few tips to look young

Each one of us has desired to look young glowing skin, and to attain that we make efforts hundreds of beauty products. Unfortunately, not all the skin care products are promising delivering the care and glow and we end up buying a incorrect purchase. Temporary glows and immediate whitening creams promise to give us magic results but in reality it doesn’t.

What every girl desires is a healthy glowing skin from inside and out. So the query arise how do you go about it? Here we have enlisted five simple easy to apply homemade tips helpful at attaining young-looking looking skin.

No.1. Drink plenty of water:

The first and leading doable tip is to include water content in your life. Whether it’s about washing your face five times a day or drinking eight to ten glasses, this will hydrate your skin pores and make them breathe which help to make it beautiful.

Monday 8 September 2014

Latest fashion: Skincare tips to make your skin beautiful

Latest fashion: Skincare tips to make your skin beautiful: Skincare tips  Here are some skincare Tips for you because nowadays there are  so many people who are suffering from skin troubles and...

Thursday 4 September 2014

Diet Plans and Weight Loss

These days, when even immediate cereal isn’t fast enough, we wish for weight loss now, not later. And who could argue with dropping the weight of a huge laptop in just one long weekend? The three Day Diet promises exactly that.

If you have been struggling to move the scale and you’re tempted to try it, here are the facts you need to know.

The diet, aimed at public wanting to lose a lot of weight, claims you’ll drop up to teen pounds if you follow these for three days.

The menu consists of 3 breakfasts, lunches, and “dinners”_ if you consider a cup of tuna fish, plus fruit and vegetable sides, dinner.

One well known web site that markets the diet claims it’s “chemically and enzyme balanced,” although this statement isn’t explained or supported.

One thing is obvious: You won’t be eating too much. On Day one, you get just 870 calories. Days 2 and 3 aren’t much different from the day one.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Winter Skin Care Tips

The weather outside may be unpleasant, but your skin doesn't have to be. How to banish dry skin and give your winter skin care routine a boost.

For so many people, the cold clear days of winter weather bring more than just a rosy glow to the cheeks. They also bring uncomfortable dryness to the skin of your face, hands, and feet. For some people, the issue is worse than just a general tight, dry feeling: They get skin so dry it results in peeling, cracking, even eczema.
"As soon as you turn the heat on inside, the skin starts to dry out”. "It doesn't issue if you heat your home using oil, wood, or electricity. The skin gets dry always."

No 1. Seek an expert

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Tips to make your skin healthy

If you take care your skin in a good way including sun protection and gentle cleansing you can keep your skin healthy and glowing for years to come.

Don't have time for intensive skin care? Save yourself with the basics. A very good skin care and healthy way of life choices can help delay the natural aging course and prevent various skin issues. Get started with these 5 no-nonsense tips.

No1. Protect your skin from the sun

Saturday 30 August 2014

Lose 15 Pounds weight Without Dieting

There are few steps which help you to lose your weight without any dieting.

A growling belly during your workout may be a symbol you're cheating yourself out of a larger calorie burn, this new research is published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.

For this study purpose, ten "recreationally active" college-age women of standard body weight were given a high-protein meal (45 % protein), low-protein meal (15 %), or no food at all prior to walking on a treadmill. The result shows that the women who ate the high-protein meal an hour earlier to working out burned more

Friday 29 August 2014

4 Sneaky Beauty activities to Get That “Natural” Look

There are so many ways that give you a fresh look.

It’s tongue in cheek that nailing the “natural” look often takes a lot of time, products and amount. So luckily, that doesn’t have to be the case. A makeup artist says that my biggest motto is that every woman wants to look like beautiful—just more beautiful and much confident. That looked to the goal on an episode of Good Morning America last week when artist gave 3 breast cancer survivors some well-deserved makeovers to bring out their usual beauty.

Thursday 28 August 2014

How to become Slim Naturally

How to become slim naturally is very achievable. Follow the useful tips and suggestions below in order to get the best results without any medications or treatments. If you want to decrease fats and regain your youthful vigor, then you may require make changes.

The changes are in fact very easy. However, following them loyally requires determination, and commitment. Losing your weight should be a fun and pleasant activity. You are doing something positive in your life and exciting things are bound to take place if you are determined sufficient. First step is, you must dedicate yourself to self-improvement. Natural methods do not need equipment or huge sums of money. All you require to do is push yourself and never move away, and you will certainly see results sooner or later.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Heart Touching Story

A surgeon entered the hospital in very hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call, changed his clothes and went straight to the surgery block.

Doctor found the boy’s father pacing in the hall waiting for the him.
On seeing the Doctor, the dad yelled: “Why did you take all this time to come? Don’t you know that my son’s life is in very danger? Don’t you have any wisdom of responsibility?”

The surgeon smiled & said: “I am very sorry, I wasn’t in the hospital & I came as fast as I could after receiving the call from hospital…. And now, I desire you’d calm down so that I can do my work”

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Ways to Reduce the Appearance of Scars

Face is the most attractive area of the body, good looking face give you attraction in the parties.  There are few skincare woes further frustrating than stubborn scars. It can look like no matter how well you think about for your skin, scars—no matter caused by acne, an injury, or something else—look to stick around no matter what. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel ….if you follow these tips to reduce the look of unwanted marks.

No. 1 Be Patient

First one is be patient as so many case patient is best way to avoid further damage .Scars caused by an injury require time to heal before they can be treated, says well known cosmetic surgeon. See, the body has natural means of healing scars, as well as by producing collagen—and using treatments can interfere with that process. For this motive, Surgeon recommends waiting three to four weeks to begin treatment of the scars.

Monday 25 August 2014

Different brow products, different results

So many brow products are available in the market; all are different from each others in the results. I can tell you the difference between brow products? Few shade and fill in while others define… Because we live to make things easier for you, we are back to showcase four different brow products (all roughly the same shade) and how the brows (and face!) change with each other.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Eye beauty: How to apply eye shadow

It is said that the eye are the first way to enter in any body heart. Eyes are very important feature of your face and body. It is thought that there is no world for them who cannot see. So, the ones having this lucky thing should take care of them.

They are also kept important in the eye makeup as they look the very beautiful and enhance your beauty. A lot of time and money is spending on the decoration and makeup of the eyes. So many makeup goods are used for this purpose too such as different eye shades, mascaras, liners, and many other things. All these products add definition to the eyes thus making you look more stylish and beautiful. Beautiful eyes looking add stars to your face beauty.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Care of In growing Toe Nail

In-growing toe-nail is a very commonly seen problem.The nail of big toe grows into the skin and causes infection. Improper footwear that presses the big toe, local trauma, fungal infection of nail and improper nail cutting habit are the commonest reasons. Diabetics should take special care of any feet issue, because they become aware very late due to numbness. Following simple measures help to prevent and take better care of this disease;

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Skincare tips to make your skin beautiful

Skincare tips 
Here are some skincare Tips for you because nowadays there are  so many people who are suffering from skin troubles and the main reason is they never care about their skin both males or females are suffering  the same problem. Everybody wants to look good and want to take care of their skin but they do not have time to go to parlor and so more other things which take too much time and money as well. Here are some skincare tips or you can say beauty tips for skin which are not just very easy but also take very less time.

Natural Ways to treat Uric Acid

Natural ways to treat Gout
To know what gout is, you have to know that it is triggered by foods that include purines. By the way, purines are natural substances found in all of the body's cells and in almost all foods. However, some foods include relatively bigger amounts of purine. Once metabolised, they get changed into uric acid. In this article we discuss healthy solutions for high uric acid or gout.

Uric acid is a result of the metabolic breakdown of purine nucleotides from the foods you consume. Most of the uric acid is clean out by the kidneys and passes out from the body through urine. A little amount also passes out of the body in the stools. But if too much uric acid is being formed or if the kidneys are not able to take away it from the blood naturally, the level of uric acid in the blood increases.

Friday 23 May 2014

The girl with out Vagina

girl without sex
The teenage girl in the picture can't have sex or babies due to uncommon condition that left this beautiful girl without reproductive organs. The girl has ovaries but she has no womb, cervix or vaginal opening at all. Take a very close look to find out more about this rare condition of 19 year old teenager Jacqui Beck. She has a rare syndrome which affects the reproductive structure.

Medical team found out about her rare condition when she went to her general physician complaining about back pain which she was feeling from few days. Telling her condition to the doctor she mentioned that she had not had her monthly cycle yet which was strange given her age.

Jacqui Beck was then explained by the doctor that she would not at all be able to carry a child and might have to have surgery earlier than she could have sex.


A very common contagious problem of skin, presents as extreme itching, rash associated with moderate to severe skin infection depending on the duration of illness. It affects all the age groups, hostel residents, IDP’s, people with neglected personal hygiene and patients having low immunity. It is caused by a mite called sarcoptes scabeii, that infests the skin especially creases and folds. It is very contagious and spreads like an epidemic,rapidly from children to adults, from old sick patients to healthy ones. Extreme itching at night is the main complaint.

Saturday 19 April 2014

What is Obesity and How to care

Obesity is a chronic disease affecting more and more children, adolescents and adults. It is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, joint diseases, psychological & behavioral disturbances. Considering the chronic diseases and conditions associated with obesity, the fact that obesity is difficult to treat, prevention is extremely important. A primary reason that prevention of obesity is so vital in children is because the likelihood of becoming obese adults is thought to increase from about 20 percent at four years of age to 80 percent by adolescence.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Diarrhea and its care

Diarrhea is a very common health issue, seen frequently especially during summers. Extreme exhaustion due to salt and water loss from the body,is the main reason of discomfort. Diarrhea is caused by infection, food allergies, malabsorption, diabetes and diseases of small and large gut. The following simple measure help to reduce the illness and ensure prompt recovery.

Saturday 29 March 2014


Blood is vital for human life and plays an essential role in every body function. It has many components out of which Hemoglobin is most important. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to every part of the body. Anemia is a disease caused by deficiency of hemoglobin either due to decreased production or excessive loss of blood from the body. The common causes are dietary deficiency, intestinal worms, Cancer, malabsorption, diarrheas, chronic illness, liver & kidney failure. It presents as pale complexion, weak body, fatigue, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, faster heart beat and even chest pain. The patients develop pica i.e., intention to eat things like dirt, dust, ice etc. The following simple measures shall help to prevent anemia

Friday 28 March 2014

Today is Lady Gaga’s birthday

Super star was born as Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta on March 28, 1986 in Yonkers, New York. Lady Gaga attended New York University's Tisch School for the Arts but not continue and left to find creative expression. Lady Gaga wrote songs for other artists until being discovered by R&B singer Akon. Her first e album, The Fame, was a huge victory, and the single "Poker Face" topped charts in almost every class, in approximately every country of the world.

Today is the Lady Gaga's birthday and we can't help but wonder what it takes to look like the superstar? A little bit of this and a little bit of that may not be the method behind the international pop singer's original wardrobe; let's own up that it takes a lot more to make that million dollar look. If so one from you is a  big fan of Lady Gaga's style and want to make her look your own, here's what you need to know.
Lady Gaga’s real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina but she become very famous with her name of Lady Gaga because of her song Radio Ga Ga. She learned the play piano at the age of four years.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Steps to Clear Skin

Acne is one of the most common skin problems in the modern and developed world. So many teenagers and especially those in their twenties are more prone to acne than adults; though, adults may get it too. For some reason or another acne always looks to come when a “big occasion” is approaching. The nature of the occasion isn’t really important; it might be a job interview, a first date or a business meeting. The 1st thing you do is try to hide the acne with your hair, heavy makeup, or try to “pop” it which eventually will make it worse and even lead to scarring. For acne victims all over the world, this scenario is all too general and is just another challenge in the modern world. On the other hand, there is a solution. We can be managed acne and brought it under control with a few easy guidelines.

How to Get Rid of Acne on Your Back

Face is not only area where Acne are, but one can have acne on the body and the back also. Back acne or bacne is caused by overactive sebaceous glands on the body back. However, not like face acne, bacne is generally more inflammatory as the pores on your body back are larger and produce more oil. Thus here are a few very simple remedies to get rid of unpleasant bacne.

No.1 Exfoliation
Exfoliation will help to get rid of dead skin cells from blocked pores on the back. To avoid this you can use a loofah or a sponge with an attached handle to reach all the inaccessible areas on the back. Once you’re done exfoliating, then dry your body back and apply cream consisting of benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, which helps fight against bacne.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Simple Skin Care Tips for summer

Keep in mind that these simple summer skin care tips can protect your face and body because the sun rays in summer can cause wrinkles, age spots and skin cancer. Follow these simple summer skin care tips and keep your skin from bad effects of the sun.

In summer drink lot of water throughout the day as it keeps the skin clear and shiny. It is required that you stay from iced beverages because they hinder digestion and causes toxins leading to skin troubles.  This summer skin makeover thought suggests that include lot of fruits, vegetables and herbs in your diet because they keep your skin cool. Especially carrots, lettuce, and summer squash such as zucchini, celery, asparagus and leafy greens in your diet. Take highly spiced food in less quantity.   

6 superb Vegetables for Weight Loss

In order to lose weight, you require consuming low calorie foods with high dietetic value and exercising on a regular basis. So we give you our top 6 vegetables, which assure to aid in weight loss.

No.1 Cucumber:

Cucumbers are usually consumed as a salad, but munch on them when you're hungry. They have a high content of water, no calories and regularize body temperature during the hot summer sessions.

No.2 Capsicum:

Tuesday 25 March 2014

How to Protect Your Skin in summer

As the summer sun heating up, we require to buck up and get out our sun protection gear. While we begin to take protection behind sunglasses, hats and scarves, it is our skin that takes the bad beating from the sun’s injurious Ultra Valuate rays. Apart from sunburn, sun spots and blemishes, exposed exposure to the sun can also cause skin cancer. Therefore, it becomes very essential to keep your skin from the summer sun at all times. Follow these easy tips to stay protected.

Sunday 23 March 2014

Hair tips for spring season

Spring is all about renewal and amends, so why not also refresh your look with the change of season? We put together a variety of hair tips for spring, to help you attain the ideal, seasonal look.

No.1 Vinegar wash

A slight known fact about vinegar; it can be used to nourish your hair and strip away any older product or chemicals that might still be engrained. Simply apply vinegar onto recently washed hair, ensuring that the scalp and all hair are well covered and then leave to set for two to three minutes. After this, rinse out the vinegar and then condition the hair as usual. Do this no more than once a week, and then within a few weeks, your hair is guaranteed to feel lighter and easier to handle. If you do not desire to make a extreme change to the style of your hair, then this is the ideal remedy to achieve a clean, fresh look. Use apple cider vinegar as oppose to white vinegar for a sweeter scent, even though they work as well as each other.

Importance of water for your health

Regular drinking of water is important for maintaining good health

A good number of us know that up to 70% of the total body weight is due to water. Though it is present in all parts of the body, it is more present in organs like lungs and brain and fluids such as blood, lymph, saliva and secretions by the organs of the digestive system. The general belief is that we feel thirsty only when our body desires water. While this is right, Latest research studies have shown that there are a number of other indicators of inadequate water in some or all parts of the body. Ignoring these indicators can direct to several main diseases. The majority of us spend a lot of our working hours in air-conditioned surroundings so obviously we don't feel thirsty but that does not indicate that our body does not require water. Lack of water can lead to tiredness too. So, for your lustrous health, drink sufficient water.

Latest trend of Teeth jewellery

If you are looking for adding a glint to your personality? Then catch chasing the latest fashion trend which is to add a 'sparkle' to your teeth.

We are talking about teeth jewelry that helps you to spark a million dollar smile! So many people are adapting this fashion statement not only to astonish friends with a sparkling crystal glass design, or something in gold with a shine of ruby or diamond, but also add zing to your smile.
One of the leading dentists of the world shares, "Teeth jewelry is very much familiar and chosen by NRIs. Though, not many localities get in touch with us for the same as the idea of having teeth accessories is not famous much to people here as of yet. The fashion is catching up with males, especially those heading towards foreign destination for study or vacation. On the other hand, not many girls are visiting clinics and searching about tooth jewellery."

Saturday 22 March 2014

Beauty and Green Tea

Green tea has been used to get better overall health and look of skin and hair for centuries. Green Tea is rich in antioxidants, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties, green tea is one of the most powerful household products that can be used topically.

No.1. Weight loss - Green tea plays a key role in helping you to lose weight! It is one of the major reasons why supermodels and celebrities use green tea in their daily diets to stay in shape. Green Tea helps the body to burn up obese as fuel. 

No.2. Wash out the toxins - Green tea also helps to wash out toxins in your body. It also serves as a diuretic and helps to decrease water retention. The diuretic effects of green tea have been used for centuries to help the body get rid of any additional fluid it’s not using. You might be shocked just how much better you look and believe when you are not carrying around further fluid. When maintained as part of a daily process you should stop excess fluid buildup as well.

Friday 21 March 2014

Care of Red Eyes

Red eye is a common problem of hot weather. Sometimes it is contagious and takes the form of an epidemic. Heat, dirt, dust, bright light, screens of TV, computers & mobile phones are an important cause of red eye. Moreover patients of allergy and diabetes are more prone to have this ailment. Following simple measures helps us in avoiding this kind of issues.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

How calcium is important for bones

So many people know that sufficient calcium intake is very important to health. Though, nutrition surveys show that less than 50 % of adults aged 20 and older are consuming the calcium they require to maintain bone health and minimize bone loss that occurs with ageing. Sorry to say, many do not know how much calcium they require and so many wrongly believe that they are consuming sufficient calcium.

Calcium is a necessary nutrient your body requires every day. And, it's not just significant for women. Best intake is essential for children, teenagers, men and the aged too. The bulk of calcium in the body makes up your bones and teeth and keeps them strong and healthy. However, away from bone health, calcium is also required to regulate certain body functions. Without calcium, muscles would not contract usually, blood would not clot and nerves would be take messages.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Children spend much time on technology than family: A Survey

Kids as young as seven are spending a lot of time on technology than with their family that it is disturbing the relationships among parents and children’s, this is said in a survey which is recently done.

As per the 2nd annual Halifax Insurance Digital Home Index, a study show by banking chain Halifax, one-third of 7 to 8-year-olds, two-thirds of 9 to 11-year-olds, and almost nine in ten of 12 to 14-year-olds now possess a mobile phone.

Though, 60 % of parents think that the amount of time children spend using latest technology is very much impacting on time spent with family and friends.