Monday 1 December 2014

The Best Way to remove Upper-Lip Hair

Best Way to remove upper Lips Hair
Women are much conscious about the beauty; there are so many things which will count while judging the beauty of the women. Like height, weight, figures and most important is the beauty and particularly the face and hand (parts which are visible).

 But so many women remain in trouble due to the hair which grows on the face particularly on upper lips; they try different methods to remove but the problem still remains as they grow again and again. The methods available in the market are bleaching, waxing and threading. Now how to select which method is good for which one.  

This is fact that every woman's hair grows in at a different rate—typically between two and six weeks, a time frame predetermined by genetics and hormones. So it's better to select an option based on your skin type/tone and hair texture, says well known a dermatologist.

A helpful guide is mention here: Bleaching works for those with fine, light hair and skin, while waxing and threading are much effective for women with darker, coarser hair and olive or darker skin tones. For sensitive skin threading is good, threading in which thread pulls out hair from the root--is safest because it doesn't involve chemicals or removing an epidermal layer.
So select the method which soot you and remain beautiful and young .

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