Tuesday 25 March 2014

How to Protect Your Skin in summer

As the summer sun heating up, we require to buck up and get out our sun protection gear. While we begin to take protection behind sunglasses, hats and scarves, it is our skin that takes the bad beating from the sun’s injurious Ultra Valuate rays. Apart from sunburn, sun spots and blemishes, exposed exposure to the sun can also cause skin cancer. Therefore, it becomes very essential to keep your skin from the summer sun at all times. Follow these easy tips to stay protected.

No. 1 Avoid the sun between 11am and 3pm
The rays of the sun are most powerful during above time. Prolonged exposure to the sun in summer at these hours can be much harmful. Though, if you must go out at this time, make sure that you take the right safety measure by covering your skin and applying a good sunscreen. 

No.2 Not at all leaves the house without sunscreen
If you use an umbrella or a hat, to protect the sun’s rays can still reach you by reflecting off the floor.  Therefore, it is very important that you apply sunscreen every time you step out in the sun. Sunscreen also applies to the days when the sky looks cloudy as UV radiation also penetrates through the clouds. 

No.3 Select the right sunscreen
Applying just about any sunscreen doesn’t be adequate. You have to select the right sunscreen for the right purpose. If you have acne prone skin, you will have to select a gel based sunscreen. You will also have to select a sunscreen with the right amount of SPF. It is suitable to use a sunscreen that has SPF 30 or above to protect you from the summer sun. 

No.4 Apply sunscreen twenty minutes before you go out
Applying on sunscreen right before you go out is one of the major mistakes people make. In order for it to work fine, you need to apply sunscreen at least twenty minutes before you step out into the sun. 

No.5 Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours
When you perspire, the lotion gets wiped away, so exposing your skin to the sun again. Therefore, it is essential to reapply sunscreen after two hours for complete protection.

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