Saturday 29 November 2014


Prevention of ebola virus
“Ebola” means black, named after a river where Ebola Virus Disease was first reported in 1976.It has been declared as Public Health Emergency of International concern by World Health Organization this year. This year world’s worst outbreak of Ebola Virus has been reported affecting 10,000 new cases per week till December. WHO also warned Asian countries as High Risk, and awareness is the only recommended effective tool. It is a disease of human and other primates caused by Ebola virus.
The symptoms starts between two days till three weeks after contracting virus as fever, sore throat, muscle pain, headache, vomiting, diarrhea and rashes follows affecting functions of Liver and kidneys. At this time both external and internal bleeding starts from the body which leads to death. The high risk of death is the main drastic feature which is about 50%. The virus spreads by direct contact with blood or other body liquid wastes of patients. Dead body of patient is highly contagious and should always be handled by concerned trained individuals. The following simple measures help to prevent Ebola Virus.
·        Wash your hands with soap and water after every contact with sick people.
·        Use gloves, mask, gown and goggles while attending a patient with suspected disease. Persons with infection of mouth, ear, nose and eyes or any skin trauma must avoid attending patients.
·        Proper care should be taken to handle and dispose the body wastes such as vomiting, urine and saliva etc.
·        Boiling, detergents and bleaching powders are affective for disinfection and elimination of virus from personal belongings of patients.  
·        Isolate the patient and use barrier nursing while treating the patient.
·        The dead body of the patient is highly infectious and should be handled by experts.

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