Saturday 29 March 2014


Blood is vital for human life and plays an essential role in every body function. It has many components out of which Hemoglobin is most important. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to every part of the body. Anemia is a disease caused by deficiency of hemoglobin either due to decreased production or excessive loss of blood from the body. The common causes are dietary deficiency, intestinal worms, Cancer, malabsorption, diarrheas, chronic illness, liver & kidney failure. It presents as pale complexion, weak body, fatigue, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, faster heart beat and even chest pain. The patients develop pica i.e., intention to eat things like dirt, dust, ice etc. The following simple measures shall help to prevent anemia

·        Wash hand thoroughly before taking food and after attending toilet.
·        Ensure food is fresh and hygienic.
·        Iron, folic acid, vitamin B-12 rich foods prevent anemia.
·        Lean meat, liver, beans, green leafy vegetables, potato, banana, apple & guava are iron rich foods which prevent and cure iron deficiency.
·        Eggs, dairy products & spinach are rich in folic acid and should be added to diet.
·        Vitamin B-12 is present in dairy products and meat.
Citrus fruits, melon and berries help absorption of iron in the body.

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