Friday 21 March 2014

Care of Red Eyes

Red eye is a common problem of hot weather. Sometimes it is contagious and takes the form of an epidemic. Heat, dirt, dust, bright light, screens of TV, computers & mobile phones are an important cause of red eye. Moreover patients of allergy and diabetes are more prone to have this ailment. Following simple measures helps us in avoiding this kind of issues.

·        Wash eye daily at least five times, especially during summers.
·        Protect your eye from heat and dust.
·        Use sun- glasses , while going out during day time.
·        Avoid watching TV, computers & mobile screens for longer period at a stretch.
·        Avoid bright sun and bright light.
·        Avoid rubbing with hand in case of irritation.
·        Avoid touching eye with dirty hands.

·        Diabetic patients must wash eye before going to bed.

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