Saturday 22 March 2014

Beauty and Green Tea

Green tea has been used to get better overall health and look of skin and hair for centuries. Green Tea is rich in antioxidants, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties, green tea is one of the most powerful household products that can be used topically.

No.1. Weight loss - Green tea plays a key role in helping you to lose weight! It is one of the major reasons why supermodels and celebrities use green tea in their daily diets to stay in shape. Green Tea helps the body to burn up obese as fuel. 

No.2. Wash out the toxins - Green tea also helps to wash out toxins in your body. It also serves as a diuretic and helps to decrease water retention. The diuretic effects of green tea have been used for centuries to help the body get rid of any additional fluid it’s not using. You might be shocked just how much better you look and believe when you are not carrying around further fluid. When maintained as part of a daily process you should stop excess fluid buildup as well.

No.3. Live Fresh - Green tea is also recognized for its capability to prevent bad breath. Try making your own toothpaste to experiment it out. It has the added benefit of tasting good if it's inadvertently swallowed.

I . Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 100grame of Green Tea and leave to infuse for at least 30 minutes.
ii. Create a paste using this liquid and one teaspoon of baking soda, and use this to brush your teeth as common. 
iii. The natural properties in the tea will curb mouth odor and help stop plaque-forming bacteria from attaching to the teeth.
iv. Reduces tension – The thiamine in green tea has been given away to produce a calming effect. The only thing is that in order for you to feel fewer stressed you might have to drink 6 cups of it. This decaffeinated green tea acts as a ideal substitute for coffee. 

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