Friday 23 May 2014


A very common contagious problem of skin, presents as extreme itching, rash associated with moderate to severe skin infection depending on the duration of illness. It affects all the age groups, hostel residents, IDP’s, people with neglected personal hygiene and patients having low immunity. It is caused by a mite called sarcoptes scabeii, that infests the skin especially creases and folds. It is very contagious and spreads like an epidemic,rapidly from children to adults, from old sick patients to healthy ones. Extreme itching at night is the main complaint.
In infants the palm and feet are typically affected. The following simple measures very effectively prevent us:
·        Keep good personal hygiene.
·        Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after every work,especially before eating and after attending toilet.
·        Daily bath keeps the skin clean and prevents infections.
·        Changing  clothes daily,prevents skin infections.
·        Washing with hot water and ironing kills the mite.
·        Never share bed or clothes with anyone.
·        Wash clothing and bed linen of the patient with hot water.
·        Daily expose pillows and mattress of the patient to sun.
·        Always treat whole family,,even if one family member is affected.

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