Tuesday 25 November 2014

Easy and Natural Ways to Remove Unwanted Hairs

Easy and natural way to Remove unwanted hair
Everyone wants to looks good; no matter you are a men or women, boys or girls. But this sense is much higher in the girls. Girls are much conscious about the beauty. They use different methods to keep her attractive. Particularly the girls are much conscious about face. Boys can remove their face hair through shave but girls can’t do this as this method makes the skin harder and also grow the hair strong. So she use bleach wax and thread.

But the bleaching cannot remove the hair, it just change the color of the hair which matches with the skin. Waxing is a very painful method as well threading. Waxing and threading is not too much easy and not a natural way to remove the unwanted hair. Though through this method your skin looks clean but it will dangerous and red spots could appear which will looks bad.

So use some natural way to make your skin clean and also remove the unwanted hair. These natural techniques are totally safe. You can use these techniques without any fair.

No 1 Potato Juice 

Regular use of the Potato Juice on the face will make your skin clean fare. This will lighten the facial color and will improve your skin.

No 2 Use of Wheat past

Take two spoon of wheat flower mix with some water to make a thick paste rub this past on your face and then wash it of. It approved to be a very good natural scarab, it not only removes the unwanted hair but also remove the black spots.

No 3 Use of Cleansing past 

Apply the cleansing past on the face leave it till it dry and then wash it. This cleansing past will make your skin clean and healthy.

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