Wednesday 26 March 2014

6 superb Vegetables for Weight Loss

In order to lose weight, you require consuming low calorie foods with high dietetic value and exercising on a regular basis. So we give you our top 6 vegetables, which assure to aid in weight loss.

No.1 Cucumber:

Cucumbers are usually consumed as a salad, but munch on them when you're hungry. They have a high content of water, no calories and regularize body temperature during the hot summer sessions.

No.2 Capsicum:

Capsicum or bell peppers help metabolize calories and burn fat. So pick yellow, red and orange bell peppers as the antioxidants decrease inflammation and melt belly fat.

No.3 Green beans:

Green beans have vitamin A, C and K, fiber and manganese, which are necessary for weight loss. The antioxidants fight free radicals; thus make us lose weight and the fiber content aids in the digestion of protein.

No.4 Spinach:

Spinach is a super food, which has several nutrients and a long list of health benefits, which are attached to it. It ranges from bone health to regularizing blood pressure to neurological healthiness. Spinach is very great for growing children and for muscle building. Take in spinach in your diet as it has no calories, if you are trying to lose weight.

No.5 Radish:

A half cup of radish contains 1gm of fiber, which is essential for weight loss. Radish also helps lower cholesterol and increases your fiber intake, so aiding in weight loss.

No.6 Onion:

The use of onions in a number of recipes as this vegetable aids in weight loss. Onions contain a chemical, allicin also, which is active in lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol and fighting in against flammation.

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