Friday 23 May 2014

The girl with out Vagina

girl without sex
The teenage girl in the picture can't have sex or babies due to uncommon condition that left this beautiful girl without reproductive organs. The girl has ovaries but she has no womb, cervix or vaginal opening at all. Take a very close look to find out more about this rare condition of 19 year old teenager Jacqui Beck. She has a rare syndrome which affects the reproductive structure.

Medical team found out about her rare condition when she went to her general physician complaining about back pain which she was feeling from few days. Telling her condition to the doctor she mentioned that she had not had her monthly cycle yet which was strange given her age.

Jacqui Beck was then explained by the doctor that she would not at all be able to carry a child and might have to have surgery earlier than she could have sex.

Jacqui Beck admits that once she was diagnosed with the state, she felt like a very strange. This kind of condition affects one in 5000 women in United Kingdom. Beck is now undergoing treatment to make possible her to have sex in the coming future. After getting the treatment she will able to have sex and can have their eggs detached and fertilized to be used in surrogacy.

This condition is called MRKH (Mayer Rokitansky Küster Hauser). This MRKH is a congenital abnormality which affects 1 in 5,000 women in the UK. The women suffering from the condition will have usually functioning ovaries and so will experience the common signs of youth but will not have periods or be able to conceive.

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