Wednesday 17 September 2014

Few tips to look young

Each one of us has desired to look young glowing skin, and to attain that we make efforts hundreds of beauty products. Unfortunately, not all the skin care products are promising delivering the care and glow and we end up buying a incorrect purchase. Temporary glows and immediate whitening creams promise to give us magic results but in reality it doesn’t.

What every girl desires is a healthy glowing skin from inside and out. So the query arise how do you go about it? Here we have enlisted five simple easy to apply homemade tips helpful at attaining young-looking looking skin.

No.1. Drink plenty of water:

The first and leading doable tip is to include water content in your life. Whether it’s about washing your face five times a day or drinking eight to ten glasses, this will hydrate your skin pores and make them breathe which help to make it beautiful.

No 2.  Well Balanced Diet:

A well healthy meal will make you wealthy and beautiful. Glowing face is the sign of sound mind and body. Add to your intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, milk, pulses and dry fruits, theses will help you to attain glowing and healthy skin.
No.3. Purification/ Exfoliation:

Develop the routine for cleansing and exfoliating our skin, it just requires messaging face with yogurt, oatmeal, rosewater, alovera, honey, milk cream and many other vitamin/calcium oriented food substance.
No.4. Sunscreens with High SPF:

It is very essential to safe your skin with straight sun rays, apply sunscreen every morning before going out of the house is a must have thing to do. Reapply sunscreen as and when necessary in a day.
No.5. Take appropriate Rest:

plenty of rest makes you skin glow, take out time from your tiring , restless and annoying routine and start giving time to your skin, so that stay beautiful and healthy, live beautiful and healthy.

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