Wednesday 28 May 2014

Skincare tips to make your skin beautiful

Skincare tips 
Here are some skincare Tips for you because nowadays there are  so many people who are suffering from skin troubles and the main reason is they never care about their skin both males or females are suffering  the same problem. Everybody wants to look good and want to take care of their skin but they do not have time to go to parlor and so more other things which take too much time and money as well. Here are some skincare tips or you can say beauty tips for skin which are not just very easy but also take very less time.

Natural Ways to treat Uric Acid

Natural ways to treat Gout
To know what gout is, you have to know that it is triggered by foods that include purines. By the way, purines are natural substances found in all of the body's cells and in almost all foods. However, some foods include relatively bigger amounts of purine. Once metabolised, they get changed into uric acid. In this article we discuss healthy solutions for high uric acid or gout.

Uric acid is a result of the metabolic breakdown of purine nucleotides from the foods you consume. Most of the uric acid is clean out by the kidneys and passes out from the body through urine. A little amount also passes out of the body in the stools. But if too much uric acid is being formed or if the kidneys are not able to take away it from the blood naturally, the level of uric acid in the blood increases.

Friday 23 May 2014

The girl with out Vagina

girl without sex
The teenage girl in the picture can't have sex or babies due to uncommon condition that left this beautiful girl without reproductive organs. The girl has ovaries but she has no womb, cervix or vaginal opening at all. Take a very close look to find out more about this rare condition of 19 year old teenager Jacqui Beck. She has a rare syndrome which affects the reproductive structure.

Medical team found out about her rare condition when she went to her general physician complaining about back pain which she was feeling from few days. Telling her condition to the doctor she mentioned that she had not had her monthly cycle yet which was strange given her age.

Jacqui Beck was then explained by the doctor that she would not at all be able to carry a child and might have to have surgery earlier than she could have sex.


A very common contagious problem of skin, presents as extreme itching, rash associated with moderate to severe skin infection depending on the duration of illness. It affects all the age groups, hostel residents, IDP’s, people with neglected personal hygiene and patients having low immunity. It is caused by a mite called sarcoptes scabeii, that infests the skin especially creases and folds. It is very contagious and spreads like an epidemic,rapidly from children to adults, from old sick patients to healthy ones. Extreme itching at night is the main complaint.