Saturday 1 February 2014


Indigestion (dyspepsia) is another very common problem that   we come across frequently. It is described as a mild abdominal discomfort, felt like a burning or fullness during or right after eating.

Indigestion is caused by eating too much, too fast, too late, too early, too frequently, too spicy, too fried and too fatty foods. Excessive smoking and caffeine (tea, coffee & cola drinks) also causes indigestion


·        Take water, followed by salad/fruits and regular food, in a meal
·        Chew a food bolus 40 times slowly
·        Don’t eat in hurry
·        Avoid talking during meals
·        Avoid lying & exercise till almost 2 hours after taking food
·        Space proper intervals in between meals

·        Avoid too much spicy and fried fatty food
·        Always take painkiller medicines with food
·         Use of yogurt or milk is beneficial with food especially before going to bed
·         Over the counter available antacids are useful

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