Saturday 8 February 2014

Honey for beauty

Honey has a so many health benefits, which have been recorded since very old times. Apart from being a natural sweetener, it also possesses antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which make it an perfect beauty ingredient. Here are a few beauty benefits you can gather from honey.

Use for Scars
Honey causes a bleaching result and so can be used on scars to help them lighten away.

Friday 7 February 2014

Five Best Foods for Healthy Hair

Five foods for healthy hair
If you have dry and weak hair and have tried fixing this trouble with a plethora of shampoos and serums, then maybe it is time you look at what you’re putting in your oral cavity. Because, healthy hair is affected by the foods we eat. So here is a listing of the best hair foods to give you a head full of good-looking, luxurious hair.

1. Oily fish: It is rich in protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for healthy hair. So make sure to take in plenty of oily fish like sardines, mackerels and salmon. Omega-3s are also found in cell membranes of the scalp, and in the ordinary oils, which keep our scalp and hair hydrated.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Vitamins for Strong and Healthy Hair

Strong and healthy hair
Flaunting an excellent hairstyle does not for all time mean you have healthy hair. Healthy hair is a combination of good care and nourishment. There are many ways to improve hair health; one such method is providing it with necessary vitamins. Here are a few vitamins that can help keep your hair strong and healthy.

No.1 Vitamin E

How Coconut Oil is beneficial for Health

Coconuts oil
We can tell you about the health benefits of coconuts oil. Coconut oil is being touted as the latest super food, due to its cure-all capabilities. Researchers show that coconut oil can be used to treat fatness, thyroid disease, and heart disease. This can also increase metabolism, energy and endurance. Coconut oil also increases digestion and helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. So, let’s take a closer glance at this super-good-for-you miracle food.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Varies Health Benefits of Basil/Tulsi

Benefits of Tulsi leavs
Basil/Tulsi is a famous herb and has been used for centuries to treat various ailments, as it contains vitamin C, vitamin A, phytonutrients and necessary oils, which protect the body from free radicals. Tulsi can also be used as an antibiotic, germicidal, fungicidal and disinfectant, because it protects the body from bacterial, viral and fungal infections. In this article we list out the different health benefits of this marvel herb.

Monday 3 February 2014

Some Most Expensive Perfumes in the World

Most expensive perfume
Scents escape sensibilities, particularly when your favorite brands bottle perfumes in crystal flacons, diamond stoppers, and ruby studs.

Leaving behind reason, motive, and a million dollar price tag, we’re lusting after the most expensive perfumes in the world

KNY Golden Delicious Perfume

The price of this perfume is &1 million. This perfume is not just a fragrance but a collector’s edition with its aesthetically attractive egg-shaped bottle fashioned out of 14k yellow and white gold.

Sunday 2 February 2014

Eight Interesting Facts about the Golden Guy of Oscars

Oscar 2014
The Oscars are nearing fellas! And at the same time as you go about speculating who's gonna take home the Academy Award this season, would you care to be familiar with a thing or two about the Oscar statuette? From how many statuettes have been awarded in the last nine decades to what in fact went into designing it, here are some interesting facts about the statuette of Oscar you didn't know.

The Oscar statuette depicts a knight holding a sword. It stands on a film reel, which has 5 spokes representing the actors, directors, producers, technicians and writers.

Since 1929, the Academy has awarded about 3000+ statuettes honouring artistes across several categories. If you glance closely, you'll see what may seem like a serial number at the bottom of the statuette.

Saturday 1 February 2014


Indigestion (dyspepsia) is another very common problem that   we come across frequently. It is described as a mild abdominal discomfort, felt like a burning or fullness during or right after eating.

Indigestion is caused by eating too much, too fast, too late, too early, too frequently, too spicy, too fried and too fatty foods. Excessive smoking and caffeine (tea, coffee & cola drinks) also causes indigestion


·        Take water, followed by salad/fruits and regular food, in a meal
·        Chew a food bolus 40 times slowly
·        Don’t eat in hurry
·        Avoid talking during meals
·        Avoid lying & exercise till almost 2 hours after taking food
·        Space proper intervals in between meals