Saturday 8 February 2014

Honey for beauty

Honey has a so many health benefits, which have been recorded since very old times. Apart from being a natural sweetener, it also possesses antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which make it an perfect beauty ingredient. Here are a few beauty benefits you can gather from honey.

Use for Scars
Honey causes a bleaching result and so can be used on scars to help them lighten away.

Use for Acne
As honey has anti-bacterial properties; it makes for a fine acne cleanser too.

Use for Conditioner
Moisturising and softening properties are also in the Honey, which makes it a good conditioner when applied to the hair. You can make a natural honey conditioner by addition raw honey with extra virgin olive oil.

Use for Waxing 
You can make your own wax to get rid of body hair by using honey. Mix honey with lemon juice and sugar and bring it to a boil. This mixture can then be used as a wax to get rid of unwanted body hair. 

Honey is also rich in antioxidants that can help stay free radicals away. Using honey on your face will help get rid of wrinkles and other signs of ageing? 

Use of Moisturiser 
Honey also has soothing, hydrating and moisturising belongings that makes it a wonderful skin moisturiser. You can apply it as a face mask or as part of any facial recipe.

Use on Lips
Honey also makes for a brilliant lip scrub. Mix honey with lemon juice and brown sugar to softly exfoliate your lips. 

After shave use
Honey can also be used as an aftershave to soothe your face skin. Use some honey after shaving and keep it on for 15 minutes before washing it out. This will help stop bumps and boils caused by shaving.

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