Saturday 4 January 2014

Health tips to avoid back pain

Back Pain is  very common problem, faced by most of us, especially during these extremely cold days .It is painful condition of the lower back resulting from muscle strain due to, Lifting improperly, Making a sudden movement, Falling Down, Carrying excess weight and Poor posture.
Back problems in women

            The good news is that mostly low back pain goes away in a few days or weeks with some basic self-care.

·        Ease back into your daily activities:
                    Movement helps your muscles stay strong. Staying in bed for more than 1 or 2 days can make your problem worse, return to your activity carefully.

·        Avoid or change activities that cause pain:
                     Bending, lifting, reaching should be avoided. Pillow under the back might also help to relieve the pain.

·        Pay attention to body mechanics and posture: 
                   While lifting, bend your knees and flex from your hips. Don't let your spine slump. Stand or sit tall without slumping or arching your back too much.

·        Avoid stress: 
                   Back muscles become stiff due to stress and cause pain, so stress is important to avoid.

·        Manage your weight: 
                    Extra body weight, especially around the waist, may put strain on your back. So get rid of extra weight.

·        Self-therapies: 
                    Self massage, heating pads, ice pads, pain reliving balms can also help to counter back aches.
       If we follow these simple steps we can avoid from back problem very easily and remain healthy and can avoid from sever problems. 

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