Sunday 30 November 2014

2014 winter dresses collection for girls

winter dresses
Winter dresses
As winter came it change the dressing style, people go to market to buy new clothes. But there is a big problem for everyone “Selection”. It is not easy to shop the clothes according to the wish. Especially the girls are more conscious about the dress design, style and colors.

So today we are going to share latest and trendy Winter Dresses
2014 for girls. Now a day the trend of wearing stylish winter wears is increasing every day among fashionable women. In this article we will show you a huge variety of stylish and unique ladies clothes. All the designs are new, unique and beautiful so that every girl may enjoy something different and feel pleaser to wear these. All the top fashion brands of Pakistan are presenting their latest winter dresses 2014 for women.

Saturday 29 November 2014

Natural way to Get Slim

Natural way to get slim  
Natural give us so many easy in the world but we create problems for our self which made our life so troubled .To become slim naturally is very doable. Follow the practical tips and suggestions below in order to get the best results without any medications or treatments. If you want to reduce fats and regain your young-looking vigor, then you may need to make changes in the life.

These changes are actually very easy. However, following them loyally requires determination, and commitment. Losing weight should be a fun and pleasant activity. You are doing something positive in your life and thrilling things are bound to happen if you are strong-minded enough. First of all, you must dedicate yourself to self-improvement. Natural methods do not need equipment or huge sums of money. All you need to do is push yourself and never move away, and you will surely see results sooner or later.

No. 1 Do not eat in front of the television. 


Prevention of ebola virus
“Ebola” means black, named after a river where Ebola Virus Disease was first reported in 1976.It has been declared as Public Health Emergency of International concern by World Health Organization this year. This year world’s worst outbreak of Ebola Virus has been reported affecting 10,000 new cases per week till December. WHO also warned Asian countries as High Risk, and awareness is the only recommended effective tool. It is a disease of human and other primates caused by Ebola virus.

Friday 28 November 2014

Skin care in winter season

Winter skin care
In winter you need extra care of your skin, in study it is shown that the skin diseases in the winter is too much as compared to the other seasons. If we want to safe our skin we need some extra measures for it.

Preparation of  winter

As the winter season came, heaters clank on, and the wind whips up, the battle for healthy skin begins. Winter dry air takes away the thin layer of oil that traps moisture in the skin, flaring itchy and painful conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and ruthless dry skin.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Easy and Natural Ways to Remove Unwanted Hairs

Easy and natural way to Remove unwanted hair
Everyone wants to looks good; no matter you are a men or women, boys or girls. But this sense is much higher in the girls. Girls are much conscious about the beauty. They use different methods to keep her attractive. Particularly the girls are much conscious about face. Boys can remove their face hair through shave but girls can’t do this as this method makes the skin harder and also grow the hair strong. So she use bleach wax and thread.

But the bleaching cannot remove the hair, it just change the color of the hair which matches with the skin. Waxing is a very painful method as well threading. Waxing and threading is not too much easy and not a natural way to remove the unwanted hair. Though through this method your skin looks clean but it will dangerous and red spots could appear which will looks bad.

Winter and our skin

Winter and our skin
Our skin needs extra care in winter. As the winter season is known as dry season, skin of the face, hand and feet need extra care particularly.

The cold clear days of winter season bring more than just a rosy glow to the cheeks for so many people. They also bring rough dryness to the skin of the face, hands, and feet. This problem is worse for some people than just a general tight, dry feeling: The skin those people become so dry it results in flaking, cracking, even eczema.

"As the coldness of the winter increase we need heat to worm ourselves and that heat dries our skin. An expert says that it doesn't matter if you heat your home using oil, wood, or electricity the effect is same dry the skin.

Here we mention some tips which helps you to keep your skin healthy and good looking in the winter also.