Friday 24 January 2014

Actress Kristen spouse preferred pregnancy curves

Kristen Bell's spouse felt he was 'cheating on Bell' during her pregnancy.

The  Kristen Bell who is 33-year-old and  has 10-month-old daughter Lincoln with husband Dax Shepard - gained 43 pounds during her pregnancy but her 39-year-old husband much preferred her fuller figure.

Kristen said: 'He said he enjoys some meat on my bones. He said there are more of you to love.

'One time he did say, 'It looks like I'm cheating on you'. And that, I consider, was the ticket because he felt like he was with a totally different woman.'

When the host of talk said he thought that was a 'tad creepy', the actress insisted that wasn't the case.
Bell said: 'I was also involved and he got a freebie that didn't hurt anyone's feelings. Or is that too advanced for everyone?'

During Kristen pregnancy, she had to shoot a number of intimate scenes for her show 'House of Lies', which led to some difficult moments for her.

Kristen explained: 'There was a storyline in the second term when my character has a sex tape come out. I was 7 months pregnant at that time.

'I had this huge emotional and I was, you know, playacting to act in a sex tape and I can look at my daughter and say ''You were present for that.'

And the Kristen' co-star Adam Brody mentioned to their sex scenes as 'threesomes' because of her pregnancy.

Bell admitted: 'Don Cheadle and I had this on-again, off-again sexual thing and my partner on this season was Adam Brody and he lovingly refers to our sex scenes as 'threesomes', because my abdomen was on top.'

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