Friday 14 March 2014

Care of Kidney

“Water is the driver of Nature”- Leonardo da Vinci. Life depends on water, as 80-85% human body weight is made up of water. It is required for every vital function in the human body. Kidneys are the organ that maintains the water balance. The human requirement of water changes with weather. Inadequate water intake is the main reason of kidney pain and stones. It presents as severe pain on the sides and front of abdomen, nausea, vomiting and blood in the urine. The following simple measures are recommended to prevent the kidney pain and stones.,

·        Increased water intake is the only remedy to prevent kidney pain, infection and stone formation.
·         Lemon, orange and other Citrus juices help to prevent stone formation.
·        High salt intake is directly related to stone formation. Controlled salt intake reduces the risk of stone formation.
·        Animal proteins and especially organ meat are a risk factors for stone formation due to their calcium, oxalate and uric acid contents.

·        Limit intake of oxalate rich foods like tea, spinach, chocolate and nuts.

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