Friday 17 January 2014

What is GOUT and how we care it

GOUT is described as joint inflammation, caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood. The joint becomes red, swollen with intense pain , usually at night and  without any warning signs. The attack usually lasts from 12- 24 hours, up to 10 days. Big toe is the most common joint affected, but ankle, knees, hands and wrist can also be affected. Untreated gout leads to more frequent attacks and deformity of joints.
Gout and its care


Adjusting diet is the most important way to reduce the number of acute gout attacks. The following changes can reduce gout symptoms:
·         Drink lot of water or other non-alcoholic fluids
·         Increase consumption of low or non-fat dairy products
·         Avoid high-purine foods, including organ meats like kidneys & liver ; oily fish ; certain vegetables like cauliflower; beans and mushrooms
·         Limit meat consumption in favour of plant-based proteins like legumes
·         Take  whole-grain breads, fruits, and vegetables, rather than sugary sweets and white bread
·         Both regular and decaffeinated coffee is good.
·         Dark-coloured fruits—including black berries, grapes, raspberries, and especially cherries—can help keep uric acid under control.
·         During an acute gout attack, alternating between hot compress to the affected area for three minutes and a cold compress for 30 seconds can help reduce pain and swelling.
·         Keep good control of associated medical conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and kidney diseases. 

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