Tuesday 14 January 2014

Steps from Being Friends to Lovers

Friendship to lover
So all was a smooth sail, until one day you realize that your best friend from college, confidante, 1 A.M. friend is in love with you! You’re not surprised because you’ve been crushing on him too. So what do you do at this point? The move from being friends to lovers can sometimes be so tough nut to crack, more so because a spiritual friendship is both effortless and natural unlike a romantic contact. But the best means to approach the state of affairs is by being honest about it. Here are some pointers for this purpose:

Chat, chat, chat: Once the two of you have got the hint, it’s time to speak. Yes, never back out from having a discussion about where the relationship is headed. If the two of you are not prepared to call yourselves a ‘couple’ yet, then it is best that you speak it out. Whatever the circumstances is, never shy away from communicating your feelings about each other.

To tell or not tell the groups: Remember those episodes from F.R.I.E.N.D.S when Chandler and Monica try hard to keep their relationship a secret from the rest of the groups? You are most likely to find yourself in same situation particularly if you did everything as a group for years. Point is, are you ready to announce it yet? Who knows, you may want to simply test the waters and would rather take it slow.

Customize your timetable: Once you break the news to the group, there are a so many things for you to take note of. Such as, how to adjust time for a movie with the jing bang and also meet ‘him’ for dinner the same night! At first it may look not easy, but if you have a fun group of friends, then you are sorted.

Physical intimacy: It all boils down to how long you have been friends for before becoming a couple. If the two of you have known each other for quite a few years, then physical closeness may not be an awkward topic. The nervousness is natural; and so the best advice is to go with the flow. Having said that, doesn’t hurry into it unless you feel relax doing so.

First be friends: Now that you have romantic feelings for each other, things that you did as friends may seem like a thing of the past. But don’t let relation affect the great friendship you two shared at one point of time. We say treat the things without risking your friendship. Whereas indulging in PDA may be hot, fighting over popcorn can also be fun!

Now Understand each other: Just because you two get along as friends doesn’t indicate you will click as partners. Understanding each other is therefore very essential when you make the transition from being friends to lovers. As friends, having mixed interests did not matter as long as the two of you got along. The point is can a romantic affiliation be held together by such differences? That’s one thing for you to make a decision.

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