Friday 3 January 2014

Six Easy Principles to become slim

There are six easy to follow principles that are the most dependable and efficient ways for you first to become slim and then stay as slim as is naturally healthy for you.

1. Take full time to appropriately taste and chew the food.

This is the single most useful and very important of all the principles. So many people when they are eating are going Chomp-Chomp, Swallow! And they are missing out on getting the full pleasure from their food. This one principle helps all the others to work more effortlessly.

Stay away from distractions such as TV and radio, and put your plates (or your food if you are holding it) Down while you eat. Wait until you have swallowed before picking them up again. You may be amazed at the difference this makes.

Drink soup and beverages bit by bit. Keep in mind they are food too... If they are flavoured, they are meant to be savoured! If you are thirsty and want to swallow something down, try water...

2. Eat only when you are really felt hungry

This may seem just Too understandable. On the other hand it means not eating when you are just bored or for comfort eating. And also not just as you are supposed to eat three square meals a day! – This was a creation of the industrial revolution. Though, do not delay eating once you are physically hungry, or there is a risk you will ultimately end up bolting your food and overeating.

3. Eat Anything which Like!!!!!

If you eat slowly sufficient and really savour your food, then the deeper division of your brain will adjust your tastes and desires for you. You must avoid denying yourself anything once you are physically hungry, or your body will still think there is a food shortage. Only when your body knows it can have whatever it wants will it be willing to pass on excess supplies of stored energy in the form of fat.

4. Stop eating more once you have had enough

If you eat slowly as much as necessary and really taste your food, you will feel satisfied with far less food than before. If anyone feels ‘Full’ it means their stomach has been over filled and is calling for sympathy! So 'Full' is Too Much!

Keep in mind: Take your time – Really taste your food!

5. Take modest exercise

So many people think that the most significant thing about exercising is the quantity of calories we burn off while doing it. Though, with modest exercise, we in fact burn off more calories in the two or three hours after we have exercised than during it!

Just a walk around the block is time and again all it takes to raise your metabolism enough for this. In fact it is very significant to avoid overdoing things in the early stages. Well again to under exercise in the beginning and keep away from putting yourself off from overdoing things. Build up slowly if you want later; you might even get to like it; it produces 'happy chemicals' - endorphins!

6. Less Weigh

Yes, it’s a joke! On the other hand, weighing yourself too regularly just picks up the small natural variations that could discourage people. It is best to only weigh yourself about once a fortnight; if at all possible at the same point in the day on the same day of the week. Midweek is most likely best.

Take it Easy!

Weight loss through these principles is a gentler more slow process than dieting. Your body needs to get used to the plan that it can have anything and everything it wants before it is going to be eager to let go of those pounds and ounces.  Don’t hurry it; your body might even want to check that it can put a little additional ON! - Before it is willing to let it go off again. Let it have its method; feed it, nurture it, just don’t stuff it. When it feels secure, Then is when it will let the pounds drop away!

Once any one start using these principles, you may well be amazed at how easy and efficient they can be and at how little food your body in fact needs.

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