Wednesday 15 January 2014

Dried Dates Health Benefits

A quick bite would be nuts and dried fruits like apricots, raisins and dates. But, dried dates are a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals that can help you regain very good health. Let’s find out what makes dried dates a significant ingredient for good health.

Nutritional fibre:

Dates are rich in dietary fibre and can easiness constipation and clear the system. Dried dates are considered natural laxatives with supplementary nutritional benefits.

Reduce Heart disease:

Dates promote cardiovascular health by soaking out all the cholesterol from the arteries. Therefore dried dates make a great snack for heart disease patients. Dates are also low in calories and help fight bad cholesterol.

Dates are useful in weight loss:

The truth that dried dates are high in fibre and are a good resource of energy, makes them the ideal weight loss diet. Dried dates can curb our cravings; so they make a great weight loss snack.


Consumption of highly spiced foods can lead to stomachache, indigestion, and acidity, but dried dates can put out that fiery ball in your stomach.
Improve bone Health:

Dried dates also have a lofty calcium content, which can boost bone health. So, it is a healthy food, which can prevent osteoporosis and arthritis.

Improve hemoglobin:

Women are prone to develop anaemia, so take in dried dates in your diet to increase your haemoglobin levels. Dried dates are a potent source of iron, which increases the production of haemoglobin and also improves circulation.


Antioxidants and amino acids are present in dates, which help the body by improving heart health, digestion, and skincare. Antioxidants and soluble and insoluble fibres help to increase overall health.

Dates are energy storehouse:

Dried dates are as well a storehouse of energy. Glucose and fructose present in dried dates are a very good source of energy on a tiring day.

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