Saturday 25 January 2014


Headache is the most common pain experienced. It may be a dull ache, sharp, throbbing, constant and mild or intense, depending on its cause. The most common types of headaches are tension, migraine, and cluster headache. The other type of  headaches are those arising from some other causes like constipation, sinusitis, viral flu, allergic rhinitis, stroke ,meningitis etc. The following simple tips help to take care in a better way;

·        Drinking plenty of water, eases the headache.
·        Tea and Coffee relieves headache due to its caffeine contents.
·        Any simple pain-killer tablet like paracetamol, helps in pain relief.
·        Quiet dark place for break is useful.
·        Light massage over head and neck ,relaxes the muscles & gives relief.
·        Practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing excercises is an effective way.
·        Consult  Medical specialist,if it gets worse, requires more pain-killer dose or interferes and disturbs  daily work and its quality.

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